+61 407 960 506 info@konnect20.com.au

Lead Gen Services For Local Businesses

This a ‘Rent To Keep Lead Gen’ system that allows you to grow your business giving you peace of mind without the burden of heavy ongoing monthly retainers that give you little to no results.

We Use The Power Of SEO

SEO or search engine optimisation is an internet marketing method  for ranking high on the search engines like Google and YouTube which allows your business to appear in front of your potential clients right when they’re online and looking for your type of services.

“The premise is the more page one results you have and the higher you rank the more traffic, leads and sales you will make”.


How Does The 'Rent To Keep Lead Gen' Works

The ‘Rent To Keep Lead Gen’ method works in two parts. First is the setup of a brand new website in your niche which you pay for over a period of 12 months at a small monthly fee. At the end of this period you get to completely own the website, giving you an asset which continues to produce quality leads into the future.

The second part of this model is the Lead Generation portion. These are results driven marketing campaigns. For every lead you receive you pay us on a sliding scale, depending on the business.

Let me explain  with an example:

If your service is worth $500 and you receive a lead for that service you then pay us 10% for that lead.

You Only Pay for actual leads, so there's no waste

You only pay when someone clicks on your site and shows interest either via a phone call or using a call back form.

Again, going back to TV, radio and newspaper advertising…it doesn’t matter how many people see your ad or, of those that see it, how many are qualified prospects. You pay a set fee.

With Google Ads, you only pay for people who are interested enough to click on your ad and visit your website. This helps you use your marketing budget much more efficiently and effectively.

Geographic Targeting

For local business owners, Google Ads may be the only way you can reach most of the prospects who are looking for you on Google.

Take the example of someone who wants to buy a new mattress. If they just type in “buy a mattress”, Google will show mostly national results in their organic search results. For a local business to compete on that level for SEO is nearly impossible. Plus, most of the people typing in “buy a mattress” are not in your local area anyway so they’re not good prospects (unless, of course, you have a mail order business).

With Google Ads, however, you can limit your ads to specific geographic locations. This means if you own a mattress store in Chicago, you can set your Google Ads campaign so that your ads are only seen by people in the entire Chicago metro area, specific cities/towns/zip codes around Chicago, or a specific radius around your business.

In this case, the organic search results would still show all the big national mattress companies/sellers, but your ad can show up in Google Ads and reach searchers you couldn’t reach by doing SEO.


As an Google Ads advertiser, you have a tremendous amount of control over your campaign. A short list of things you control includes:

  • The keywords your ads show up for
  • Your monthly budget
  • How much you’re willing to pay for a click
  • The geographic areas where your ads appear
  • The days/times your ads run
  • The messaging of your ads
  • The page on your website the ads lead to
    • Understanding what you can control and how to control them is key to running a successful campaign.

    Highly Effective Keyword Research and Market Research Tool

    You can use Google Ads not just for generating traffic and leads, but for research.

    One way is using Google Ads for keyword research. Understanding what keywords your prospects are typing into Google to find you is critical to search marketing. The problem is Google doesn’t necessarily share the most accurate keyword data (and has been sharing less and less recently).

    And this data is especially hard to get for local keywords.

    But by using the Google Ads Search Query Report (which we cover in this course), you can get a clear understanding of the actual keywords prospects are typing in to find you. You’ll also be able to see how many times each keyword is being typed in per day/month.

    (Google Ads is the only way to get accurate data like this and I’ve set up campaigns for clients for the sole purpose of collecting keyword data.)

    You can also use Google Ads for market research. You can use it to test out offers, headlines, book titles (did you know the title of Tim Ferriss’ best seller “The 4-Hour Work Week” was decided by an Google Ads test?), landing pages, etc.

    When you find an offer, headline, title, etc. that works well in Google Ads, there’s a good chance it’s going to work well in other marketing pieces.

    Here are a few articles that show some examples of how to use Google Ads for keyword research or market research.


Are You Ready ?

Okay, with that little bit of background out of the way, are you ready to start building your
Google Ads campaign?


Contact Us

Contact us so we can discuss your project needs and see if we are a good fit.

Gold Coast, QLD 4210

+61 7 4573 1139


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